Covid-19 – Guide during the crisis



April, 17th 2020


Our Corporate – M&A Department offers a Practical Guide, setting out the measures applicable to companies and the steps to be taken to :


– Defer social security contributions payable to URSSAF

– Defer tax deadlines with the corporate tax department (SIE) of the Public Finances Directorate General (DGFiP)

– Direct tax remission

– Be assisted by the Commission of Chief Financial Officers (“CCSF“)

Be supported by the solidarity fund financed by the State and the regions

– Defer of rents, water, gas and electricity bills

– State-guaranteed liquidity loan

– Benefit from the measures put in place by the BPI

– Benefit from credit mediation to negotiate with your bank a rescheduling of bank credits

– Benefit from insurance coverage in the event of an epidemic or from a “business interruption without material damage” guarantee


This Guide also answers the following questions about managing your customer or supplier contracts:

– can a contract be terminated or postponed for reasons of force majeure?

– can a contract be renegotiated due to unforeseen circumstances “motif d’imprévision”?

– can a contract be terminated or penalties be applied during the COVID-19 epidemic?